Author & Speaker

Susan Symons has written 6 books in the schloss series. Each book includes twenty-five schlösser in Germany and looks at these from two perspectives. The first is the author’s experience as an overseas visitor to each schloss; the other some of the colourful historical stories of the royal characters associated with them. Royalty have always been the celebrities of their day, and these stories from history can rival anything in modern-day television soap operas.
Queen Victoria is the British monarch in history whose name everyone knows. Susan Symon’s five books focus on Victoria as a woman – her personal life, events that formed her resolute character, and relationships that were important to her. They are beautifully illustrated throughout with portraits and memorabilia from the author’s collection and use some of Victoria’s own words, from her letters and journal, to help tell the story.
The latest book in the Victoria series is Victoria's Daughters.